The Dishonest Merchant

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"The Dishonest Merchant"
Start date: September 10th, 1939
End date: September 10th, 1939
# of strips: 1 (1 weeks)
Writer: Lee Falk
Artist: Phil Davis
Preceded by: "Lothar go Fishing"
Followed by: "The Ghost Bear of Glass Mountain"

"The Dishonest Merchant" is the 10th Mandrake filler page, the 5th in between the 11th and 12th Sunday story. The story was written by Lee Falk and drawn by Phil Davis.

Plot Summary

The police chief tells Mandrake that a grocer steals his customers by not weighing the correct weight of the products. In order to definitively confuse the thug, Mandrake goes to the shop. He orders food that suddenly talks g revealing the cheating. This simple ventriloquist trick allows the arrest of the dishonest merchant.


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • A grocer


  • New York ?

Behind the scenes

  • The title for the story is taken from the plot.


This story has been published in the following publications:

Mini france.gif France

Mini italy.gif Italy

Mini spain.gif Spain

Mini turkey.gif Turkey

Mini usa.gif USA

Mini kingdomyugoslavia.png Mini yugoslavia.png Yugoslavia