Narda's TV Show

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Narda's TV Show
Start date: June 11, 1962
End date: August 11, 1962
# of strips: 54 (9 weeks)
Writer: Lee Falk
Artist: Phil Davis
Preceded by: "The City Jungle"
Followed by: "The Gamblers"

"Narda's TV Show" is the 116th Mandrake daily story. The story was written by Lee Falk and drawn by Phil Davis.

Plot Summary

A late evening Narda watch TV. Then suddely, the TV dial stuck between stations, and a Western comming in. The TV program got alive and Narda is kidnapped into her TV set....

A dream -- or did it really happend ?


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • Flossy, a horse.
  • Henry, a man wathing TV.


  • New York
  • Milldon
    • Seven Crest st, a hide-out.

Behind the scenes

  • The title for the story taken from the strip of June 11, 1962 (Beginning: Narda's TV Show).

Signifiant covers


This story has been published in the following publications:

Mini australia.gif Australia

Mini brazil.gif Brazil

Mini denmark.gif Denmark

Mini finland.gif Finland

Mini france.gif France

Mini italy.gif Italy

Mini norway.gif Norway

Mini portugal.gif Portugal

Mini spainunderfranco.gif Mini spain.gif Spain

Mini sweden.gif Sweden

Mini turkey.gif Turkey

Mini uk.gif United Kingdom

Mini usa.gif USA