Memory Lane Publications

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Memory Lane Publications was a Canadian publisher.


George Henderson (1929-) opened his first bookstore, "Viking Books" in Toronto around 1966. In 1967 he relocated the store and renamed the shop "Memory Lane Books". At about that time interest in comic collecting and nostalgia was beginning to explode in the US, and Henderson played a leading role in connecting Canadian fans.

The Memory Lane bookstore also served as the editorial offices (594 Markham Street, Toronto) for Henderson's fledgling publishing empire . By 1969 he introduced his most famous titles: "Captain George's Comic World", "Captain George's Whizzbang", and the weekly "Captain George's Penny Dreadful". In the 70s he also published a newspaper called "Captain George's Yellow Journal".

With issue #30 Henderson changed the name of "Captain George's Comic World" to "Captain George Presents".

Mandrake in Captain George Presents

The 64 pages double issue #43/44 (undated, 1970s) provided a look at King Features' lineup circa 1948 with reprints of sample strips and full page promotional artwork, including "The Phantom", "Secret Agent X-9", "Rip Kirby", "Mandrake the Magician", "Lone Ranger", and more.