Lothar's Visit to the Dentist

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"Lothar's Visit to the Dentist"
Start date: January 7th, 1940
End date: January 7th, 1940
# of strips: 1 (1 weeks)
Writer: Lee Falk
Artist: Phil Davis
Preceded by: "Mandrake and Doubting Thomas"
Followed by: "Jam Session"

"Lothar's Visit to the Dentist" is the 12th Mandrake filler page, the 2nd in between the 12th and 13th Sunday story. The story was written by Lee Falk and drawn by Phil Davis.

Plot Summary

Lothar must to go to the dentist, even though he fears it a lot. The session turns into complete anarchy before the painful tooth is removed...


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • A dentist
  • A nurse


  • US ?

Behind the scenes

  • The title for the story is taken from the strip of January 7, 1940 (So ends Lothar's Visit to the Dentist !).

Signifiant cover


This story has been published in the following publications:

Mini france.gif France

Mini italy.gif Italy

Mini norway.gif Norway

Mini spain.gif Spain

Mini usa.gif USA

Mini kingdomyugoslavia.png Mini yugoslavia.png Yugoslavia