El Tony 1461

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El Tony 1461
File:El Tony 1461.jpg
Cover artist: unknown
Country/language: Mini argentina.gif Argentina / Spanish
Format: 37 x 28 cm
Pages: 24 pgs, b/w
Publishing date: October 31, 1956
Editor: Editorial Columba
Publishing company: Editorial Columba
Preceded by: El Tony # 1460
Followed by: El Tony # 1462


Mandrake stories

(part: from the second panel of the February 14, 1956 daily strip to the February 21, 1956 daily strip).

Other comics

  • El hijo de Lagardère by Paul Fréval (w.) and Fernand (a.) (part)
  • "El agente secreto X-9" ("Secret Agent X-9") by Mel Graff (part)
  • El negro Tom by Roberto Valenti (w.) and Gullermo Letteri (a.) (based on the radio by S.Benvenuto) (part)
  • El coffre del Almirante by ? (part 1)
  • El flor sagrada by Rider Haggard (w.) and Eugenio Colonesse (a.) (part)
  • "Sexton Blake" by ? (part)
  • "Don Otto" by Della Parte (one strip).
  • "Matt Marriot" by Jim Edgar (w.) and Tony Weare (a.) (part)
  • Tarzan by John Celardo (part)
  • "El hincha Cucufato" by Vidal Davila (one strip).