Comics Stars in the World: Difference between revisions

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| #1 || June, 1976 || [[Mandrake 1 (Comics Stars in the World)|Mandrake l’uomo del mistero]] || [[The Cobra]] ||  
| #1 || June, 1976 || [[Mandrake 1 (Comics Stars in the World)|Mandrake l’uomo del mistero]] || [[The Cobra (Daily story 1934)|The Cobra]] ||  
| #2 || June, 1976 || [[Mandrake 2 (Comics Stars in the World)|Mandrake contro il Cobra]] || [[The Cobra]] ||  
| #2 || June, 1976 || [[Mandrake 2 (Comics Stars in the World)|Mandrake contro il Cobra]] || [[The Cobra (Daily story 1934)|The Cobra]] ||  
| #3 || June, 1976 || [[Mandrake 3 (Comics Stars in the World)|Il mistero della casa da giuoco]] || [[The Hawk (Mandrake Meets Narda)]] ||  
| #3 || June, 1976 || [[Mandrake 3 (Comics Stars in the World)|Il mistero della casa da giuoco]] || [[The Hawk (Mandrake Meets Narda)]] ||  

Revision as of 20:52, 18 March 2014

Comics Stars in the World is a French Polynesian comic publisher.

Its specialized in comics from the American Golden Age, including The Phantom, Charlie Chan, Cino e Franco, Radio Patrol, Castor Oyl, Curley Harper, Kid Sisters, Brick Bradford, Jungle Jim, Mandrake the Magician and several others. All issues are "Limited edition for comics' art collectors" and with Italian text.

"Comic Stars in the World" with the president "Jean Taoc" and art director "Bill Travers" collaborated with "Maurice Horn and "Bill Blackbeard". They had several foreign agents; USA - "Antony Raiola", France - "Bruno Henri" and Italy - "Elio Dondè". The comic books were sold to their members in; Australia, USA, Canada, Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Sometime in 1977 "Comic Stars in the World" with the president "Jean Taoc" and art director "Bill Travers" collaborated with "Maurice Horn, "Bill Blackbeard" and "Antony Raiola". There was no naming for any foreign agents, only Italian edition by "Nouvo Club Anni Trenta" as part of their "Collana Albi Grandi Avventure" and the editor "Rudolfo Bernardini".

Mandrake books have been released at two occasions:

  • In 1976 by Comics Stars in the World and Pacific Comics Club as part of their series The Golden Age of the Comics.
  • In 1976-1978 by as part of their reprint of their Mandrake series, dailies from 11 june 1934 to December 16 1944.

Issue overview

The Golden Age of the Comics

The Mandrake series

Issue Date Title US Title note
#1 June, 1976 Mandrake l’uomo del mistero The Cobra
#2 June, 1976 Mandrake contro il Cobra The Cobra
#3 June, 1976 Il mistero della casa da giuoco The Hawk (Mandrake Meets Narda)
#4 June, 1976 Il mostro di Passo Tanov The Monster of Tanov Pass
#5 ? Il cammello d'argilla Saki, the Clay Camel
#6 ? La cattura di Saki Saki, the Clay Camel
#7 ? Il lupo mannaro The Werewolf
#8 ? L'orrore del circo The Werewolf
#9 ? L'enigmatico sir Oswald The Return of the Clay Camel
#10 ? Mandrake contro Saki The Return of the Clay Camel
#11 ? La mummia vivente The Slave Traders of Tygandi
#12 ? La disfatta dei beduini The Slave Traders of Tygandi
#13 not printed Un mondo sconosciuto Mandrake in the Lost World
#14 not printed Il ritorno di Molly Brunswick Mandrake in the Lost World
#15 ? Nelle spire del Cobra In the Cobra's Grip
#16 ? La fine del Cobra In the Cobra's Grip
#17 not printed Mandrake in America Mandrake in America
#18 not printed Falco cavallo da corsa Mandrake in America
#19 September, 1976 Mandrake a Hollywood Mandrake in Hollywood
#20 September, 1976 La casa degli spettri Mandrake and the Haunted House
#21 ? Il mago dello sport Blozz the Champion
#22 ? Il castello di Teiba : Mandrake in love Mandrake in Love
#23 ? La sfera marziana Visitors from Space
#24 January, 1976 Il fantasma del pirata The Deep South
#25 January, 1976 Matrimonio a Cockaigne Mandrake in Cockaigne
#26 Februsry, 1978 La sposa rapita Mandrake in Cockaigne
#27 December, 1977 Besa lo stregone Mandrake in North Africa
#28 December, 1977 Re Lothar contro Besa Mandrake in North Africa
#29 January, 1976 I brigati degli altipiani The Mountain Bandits
#30 not printed l misteri del museo The Museum Mystery
#31 not printed La cattura della banda The Octopus Ring
#32 not printed Il covo delle spie The Octopus Ring
#33 not printed La piovra The Octopus Ring
#34 not printed La sconlitta della piovra The Octopus Ring
#35 June, 1976 L'invenzione del dottor Griff Dr Griff's Invention
#36 June, 1976 L'orchidea del delitto The Mystery of the Striped Orchid
#37 December, 1977 Il superbo grando The Great Grando
#38 December, 1977 Lotta senza tregua The Great Grando
#39 September, 1976 I pirati del ring Lothar the Champ
#40 October, 1976 I gangsters di nails Lothar the Champ
#41 October, 1976 Lothar il campione Lothar the Champ
#42 not printed La villa dei misteri The Rumor Factory
#43 not printed L'isola degli uomini spenti Baron Kord
#44 not printed La cattura del barone Kord Baron Kord
#45 not printed La strega di Kaloon The Witch of Kaloon
#46 not printed l due volti del mistero The Dome
#47 October, 1976 Il titano delle sette dune The Earthshaker
#48 November, 1976 L'infallibile cupola The Dome
#49 November, 1976 Il dottor Congo Doctor Congo
#50 November, 1976 Il popolo degli specchi The Mirror People
#51 not printed La donna di ghiaccio The Ice Lady
#52 not printed Nell'età della pietra The Old Ones
#53 not printed Il principe misterioso The Mysterious Prince
#54 not printed La bella addormentata The Sleeping Beauty
#55 not printed Locuste a Vallegaia Pleasant Valley
#56 not printed La maschera d'argento Medusa
#57 not printed Lo stadio stregato The Jinx
#58 not printed La contessa misteriosa Felina

Cover gallery