Mistero comics 4

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Mistero Comics Mandrake
Nouva serie albi grandi avventure #4
Comics #1
Mistero comics-04.jpg
Cover artist: Guido Fantoni
Country/language: Mini italy.gif Italy / Italian
Format: 13 × 18,5 cm
Pages: 68 pgs with the cover, b/w and color
Publishing date: October 2, 1949
Editor: unknown
Publishing company: Casa Editrice Nerbini
Preceded by: Mistero comics #3
Followed by: Mistero! #8

Nouva serie albi grandi avventure #4 Comics #1 "Mandrake"


Mandrake stories

Other comics

  • "Steve Canyon", La banda de "La Rossa", by Milton Caniff part 4.

Short stories

  • "New York parigi 1908".
  • "Lottoc nelle paludi".

Inner front cover and ad