Masters of Cerebron

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Masters of Cerebron
Masters of Cerebron.png
First appearance: "The Central Galaxy"
Created by: Lee Falk and Fred Fredericks

The Masters of Cerebron is an alien race from the planet Cerebron. Eons ago they were as normal people. Over millions of years their bodies were less needed, and their minds took over. Now the Masters of Cerebron are immortal and appearance, they looks like three "talking heads". They see and know everything, and with their mental power can move anything anywhere in the universe in a blink of an eye.


Mandrake first met the Masters of Cerebron when he and Narda were invited by Magnon on a fortnight's journey through the universe. At the very edge of the visible universe, they arrived on the planet Cerebron. Magnon said that the inhabitants were the oldest and wisest in the entire galaxy. He went on to say that a billion years ago the inhabitants lived in large cities on the planet, but now they lived inside simple caves.

The Masters themselves said that an eternity ago they were people on a par with Mandrake and Narda, but over millions of years the need for a physical body became less and less. They had evolved into immortal beings of pure energy, nourished by the sunlight. In order to communicate with others, they took the form of a head, with a shape that resembled the person they were communicating with.

Although they lived inside a cave on Cerebron they can read every mind and see everything in the entire galaxy. They saw themselves as the guardians of the galaxy.

Notable appearances

The stories where the Masters of Cerebron have featured are:

Year Daily/Sunday Title Comments
1984 Sunday "The Central Galaxy"
1994 Sunday "The Galactic Birthday Adventure"