Dr Dell and 8

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Dr Dell and 8
Start date: January 15, 1968
End date: May 11, 1968
# of strips: 102 (17 weeks)
Writer: Lee Falk
Artist: Fred Fredericks
Preceded by: "The Mysterious Bureau"
Followed by: "The Gold Crisis"

"Dr Dell and 8" is the 136th Mandrake daily story. The story was written by Lee Falk and drawn by Fred Fredericks.

Plot Summary

Dr. Dell, a famed crime expert is in US for a lecture tour. She visits Mandrake to see and hear about the criminals in his gangster gallery. In a lecture afterwards she mentions the sign of 8 in a footnote. Soon she was kidnapped, and then Mandrake and Lothar.

They woke up in a strange place: a small island with an 8-shaped castle. In the garden: 8 shaped hedge, a sundial with only 8 numbers, and in the a basement room; an aquarium with a giant ocopus. Inside a room with 8 people around a 8 shaped table, the Masters of the 7th arm, controlled by the voice of their secret leader - the Octon.


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • Dr. Dell, professor of chriminology (her father was head of Scotland Yard)
  • Dr. Zorb, a history professor and junior member of 8.
  • The Masters of the 7th arm of 8.


  • Kennedy Airport
  • New York City


Behind the scenes


  • The title for this story is taken from the strip of January 15, 1968 (Beginning: Dr. Dell & 8)

Mandrake Lore

  • Mandrake's rogues' gallery: the Cobra, the Mole, Goliath, (the Clay Camel), 8


This story has been published in the following publications:

Mini brazil.gif Brazil

Mini finland.gif Finland

Mini france.gif France

Mini india.gif India

Mini italy.gif Italy

Mini norway.gif Norway

Mini portugal.gif Portugal

Mini sweden.gif Sweden

Mini turkey.gif Turkey

Mini yugoslavia.png Yugoslavia