Doe Mee!

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Doe Mee!
Weekblad voor Jong en Oud
First issue
Country/language: Mini netherlands.gif Netherlands / Dutch
Publishing company: N.V. Uitgevers Maatschappij "De Jeugd".
Publishing years: 1936-1942
Issues: 393


Issue overview

First series

Doe Mee! was a Dutch weekly magazine for boys starting with the first issue May 7, 1936. The format was 30x45,5 cm, 12 pages and printed in color and b/w.

The magazine printed various comics like: "Jan-zonder-vrees (Jungle-Jim)" and "IJzervuist (Flash Gordon)" by Alex Raymond (issues 1-7), "Barend Botje en zijn hond Bello (Dinglehoofer und His Dog)" by Knerr (issues 1-6), "Henkie (Henry)" by Carl Anderson (issues 1-36, 78, 181, 229), "Jongens van Stavast (The Katzenjammer Kids)" by Knerr, "Popeye" by Segar, "Mandragora, de koning der Magiërs (Mandrake)" by Lee Falk and Phil Davis (issues 8-25), "Bert (Donnie)" by Darrell McClure (issues 26-62), "King van de Koninklijke Kolonne / Brigade (King of the Royal Mounted)" by Jim Gary, Flanders and Zane Grey (issues 37-192), "Fred-zonder-vrees (Tim Tyler's Luck)" by Lyman Young (issues 63-225), "Jaquelientje (Ella Cinders)" by Charlie Plumb and Bill Conselman (issues 193-244), "Piet de Landloper (Pete the Tramp)" by C.D. Russell (issues 230-295), "Altijd mis (Always Bilittlin)" by Percy Crosby (issues 260-261), "Skippy" by Percy Crosby (issues 260-261), "Alexander Spriet (Alexander Smart, Esq.)" by Doc Winner (issues 262-295), "Elmer" by Doc Winner (issues 262-295), "Don Quichot" by Zansky and Miguel de Cervantes (issues 1-46), "De avonturen van Tom Sawyer" (issues 1-30).

In 1942 American comics were banned in Netherland, and after issue 334 the magazine was interupted.

Mandrake in Doe Mee!

Popeye Club

Second series