L'Audace was published by SAEV (Soc. Anonima Editrice Vecchi in Italy.
L'Audace was a weekly magazine for travel, sports and adventure from the start in 1934. L'Audace changed the magazine to a larger format (27 x 39 cm) from #35 and began to include comics from #60 in 1935. The format canged once more from #95 (27 x 39 cm). From #60 the magazine had 16 pages and was printed in b/w and color, from #182 the pages was reduced to 12.
The magazine reprinted the 7th first Sunday stories with Drakman (Mandrake).
Issue overview
- "Il regno segreto degli assassini" ("The Hidden Kingdom of Murderers"), starts in #87-1935 and ends in #91-1935.
- "Mandrake nel paese dei fachiri" ("Land of the Fakirs"), starts in #92-1935 and ends in #110-1936.
- "Mandrake e i nani Shinder" ("Land of the Little People"), starts in #111-1936 and ends in #131-1936.
- "Mandrake e i segreti dei circo" ("The Circus People"), starts in #132-1936 and ends in #156-1936.
- "Gli uomini di cristallo" ("Chamber into the X Dimension"), starts in #178-1937 and ends in #205-1937.
- "Mandrake contro il tiranno" ("Prince Paulo the Tyrant"), starts in #206-1937 and ends in #230-1938.
- "Mandrake alla caccia del tesoro" ("The Treasure Hunt"), starts in #231-1938 and ends in #254-1938.