Skippern first series is a Norwegian magazine, published by Allers Forlag between 1947 and 1959.
Skippern reprinting various daily strips and Sunday pages; Putte, Steve Canyon, Sorte maske, Lyn, Flopp & sønn, Johnny Hazzard, Prince Valiant, Mickey Mouse, Lance, Rip Kirby, Fantomet, Henry, Skippern, Mandrake and on.
Issue overview
Regular series
Year | Issues | Note |
1947 | 1 - 18 | size: 37 x 27 cm, 16 pgs in color and sepia |
1948 | 1 - 26 | |
1949 | 1 - 26 | |
1950 | 1 - 26 | |
1951 | 1 - 26 | |
1952 | 1 - 26 | |
1953 | 1 - 26 | from #7 size: 33,8 x 25 cm, 16 pgs in color and sepia |
1954 | 1 - 52 | |
1955 | 1 - 52 | from #23 size: 24,9 x 17 cm, 32 pgs in color and sepia |
1956 | 1 - 51/52 | from #31 size: 23,9 x 17 cm, 32 pgs in color and sepia |
1957 | 1 - 52 | |
1958 | 1 - 52 | from #9 size: 24,9 x 17 cm, 32 pgs in color and sepia |
1959 | 1 - 19 |
Mandrake stories in Skippern
Skippern covers
Mandrake covers
1953: Skippern #19
1954: Skippern #11
1954: Skippern #16
1955: Skippern #12