Tullo Palasciano

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Tullo Palasciano
Biographical information
Born: unknown
Nationality: Mini italy.gif Italian
Occupation: Artist
Website: n/a

Tullo Palasciano was an italian artist.


Palasciano earliest known work is where he polished/adapts the original material of Felix by Otto Messmer for the italian publisher Edizioni Astro. In the fifties he worked for G Gioggi Editore and in the weekly Assi dell’Audacia (1954-1955) he did the "Tullino" strip. It is known that he also worked on the serie Albi Giganti (G. Gioggi & C. Editore, 1954-1956), Storie del West (1961) supplement series of Penna D'Oro (Casa Editrice Flaminia, 1961-1962) and Joe Sub (Editrice Ma-Ga, 1965-1970). His "Buffalo Bill" stories were written by Massimo Liorni.

From 1958 he worked for La Freccia mainly as cover artist on the Il Vascello and Avventure Americane series. In 1962 he did 4 stories with the Phantom for the Avventure Americane series and one Mandrake story for the Il Vascello series.

Fratelli Spada stories by by Tullo Palasciano



Covers by Tullo Palasciano