Seriebiblioteket (Norwegian)

From MandrakeWiki

First issue
Country/language: Norway / Norwegian
Publishing company: Hjemmet - Bladforlaget
Publishing years: 1976–1977
Issues: 6
Format: 24 × 30,5 cm, color

Seriebiblioteket is a Norwegian publication of US strips from the golden age, published between 1976 and 1977.


A/S Hjemmet - Bladforlaget published the first issue of Seriebiblioteket in 1976. Corresponding titles were published in Denmark (cf. Seriebiblioteket (Danish) and Sweden (cf. Seriebiblioteket (Swedish).

Issue overview

  • 1 - "Mandrake 1938" by Lee Falk and Phil Davis.
  • 2 - "King 1938-1939" by Jim Gary.
  • 3 - "Barney Baxter 1938" by Frank Miller.
  • 4 - "Dick Tracy 1940-1943" by Chester Gould.
  • 5 - "Jens Lyn 1937" (Flash Gordon) by Alex Raymond.
  • 6 - "Hopalong Cassidy 1953-1954" by Royal King Cole and Dan Spiegle.

Issues with Mandrake