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L'Audace was published by SAEV (Soc. Anonima Editrice Vecchi) in Italy.


L'Audace was a weekly magazine for travel, sports and adventure from the start in 1934. L'Audace changed the magazine to a larger format (27 x 39 cm) from #35 and began to include comics from #60 in 1935. The format canged once more from #95 (27 x 39 cm). From #60 the magazine had 16 pages and was printed in b/w and color, from #182 the pages was reduced to 12.

The magazine reprinted the 7th first Sunday stories with Drakman (Mandrake).

Issue overview

In the 70s all issues was reprinted into several books. The Mandrake stories one find in #2 - #12 (reprint L'Audace #8 to #258).