Curse of the Kavrun Emerald: Difference between revisions

From MandrakeWiki
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*"La baque maudite", [[Mandrake (Mondes Mystérieux) 28|''Mandrake'' #28]] (1964)
*"La baque maudite", [[Mandrake (Mondes Mystérieux) 28|''Mandrake'' #28]] (1964)
*"La baque maudite", [[Mandrake (Mondes Mystérieux) 319|''Mandrake'' #319]] (1971)
*"La baque maudite", [[Mandrake (Mondes Mystérieux) 319|''Mandrake'' #319]] (1971)
*"L'emeraude de Kavrun", [[Mandrake (Mondes Mystérieux) 428|''Mandrake'' #428]] (1975)
*"L'emeraude de Kavrum", [[Mandrake (Mondes Mystérieux) 428|''Mandrake'' #428]] (1975)
*"L'émeraude de Kavrun", [[Mandrake le Magicien (Collection BD V.F) 4|''Mandrake le Magicien'' #4]] (1982)
*"L'émeraude de Kavrun", [[Mandrake le Magicien (Collection BD V.F) 4|''Mandrake le Magicien'' #4]] (1982)

Revision as of 09:07, 3 July 2016

Curse of the Kavrun Emerald
Start date: October 29, 1950
End date: January 14, 1951
# of strips: 12 (12 weeks)
Writer: Lee Falk
Artist: Phil Davis
Preceded by: "The Department Store Mystery"
Followed by: "The Venus Flytrap"

"Curse of the Kavrun Emerald" is the 47th Mandrake Sunday story. The story was written by Lee Falk and drawn by Phil Davis.

Plot Summary

Narda has inherited the famous Kavrun emerald ring after her aunt Sophia, Grand Duchess of Cockaigne. The famous ring is cursed and Narda told Mandrake that everyone who ever wore it died violently. But the cursed ring has one more secret.


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • Sophia, Grand Duchess of Cockaigne. Narda's aunt. Mentioned only
  • Narda's grand-grandfather, a famous mountain climber. Mentioned only
  • A mighty Lord of Cockaigne, Narda's anchestor. Mentioned only
  • Assassin #1
  • Assassin #2
  • Assassin #3


  • New York City
  • North Africa
    • Atlas Mountains

Behind the scenes

  • The title for this story is taken from the strip of October 29, 1950 (Beginning: Curse of the Kavrun Emerald !).


This story has been published in the following publications:






United Kingdom