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4 December 2024

     18:57  Parodies - Adults diffhist +27 Alain03 talk contribs (→‎Tijuana Bibles: one cover added.)
     18:55 Upload log Alain03 talk contribs uploaded File:Tijuana-mtm-isst.jpg(*Parodies - Adults)
 m   17:20  The Missing Years 45‎‎ 2 changes history +258 [Alain03‎ (2×)]
17:20 (cur | prev) +254 Alain03 talk contribs
17:03 (cur | prev) +4 Alain03 talk contribs
 m   17:04  The Missing Years 47 diffhist +5 Alain03 talk contribs
 m   17:02  Comics Revue 213 diffhist +6 Alain03 talk contribs
N    12:07  Świat Przygód 169 diffhist +1,130 Alain03 talk contribs (1939 issue, Poland.)
N    11:53  Świat Przygód 166‎‎ 3 changes history +1,108 [Alain03‎ (3×)]
11:53 (cur | prev) 0 Alain03 talk contribs
11:52 (cur | prev) +46 Alain03 talk contribs
11:39 (cur | prev) +1,062 Alain03 talk contribs (1938 issue, Poland.)
N    11:50  Świat Przygód 167 diffhist +1,090 Alain03 talk contribs (1938 issue, Poland.)
 m   11:37  Świat Przygód diffhist +72 Alain03 talk contribs (→‎Mandrake in Świat Przygód)
 m   09:45  Mandrake's Magic Club‎‎ 3 changes history +557 [The Clay Camel‎ (3×)]
09:45 (cur | prev) +21 The Clay Camel talk contribs (→‎Membership)
09:43 (cur | prev) +466 The Clay Camel talk contribs
09:21 (cur | prev) +70 The Clay Camel talk contribs
 m   07:59  Popeye Meets the Man Who Hated Laughter diffhist 0 Alain03 talk contribs

3 December 2024

     19:38  Świat Przygód diffhist +56 Alain03 talk contribs