Centofacce allo sbaraglio (Spada)

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Centofacce allo sbaraglio
1st publication: Mandrake #122 (1969)
# of pages: 24 pgs
Writer: n/a
Artist: Senio Pratesi
Producer: Fratelli Spada

"Centofacce allo sbaraglio" is an Italian made Mandrake story from 1969.

Plot summary

Jed and the Police Chief paid Mandrake a visit to ask him about his experiences with Centofacce. Mandrake told of his experience with the criminal of a thousand faces and how Centofacce disguised himself in many different guises in the case of Aunt Clot's diadem.

The chief of police, for his part, told about the theft of Trajan's crown, where Centofacce was masquerading as the Rajah and how he later disguised himself as Professor Croft and obtained a formula of irreplaceable value.

Now the police and Inter-Intel had a covert operation underway. The rich banker Moor had hired the thief Flith to steal the diamond "Thutankan fire" and the handover was to take place at the International Hotel. The police had arrested him and two agents now posed as Moor and his daughter Jole. But the police had become aware that another notorious thief was after "Thutankan fire" - Centofacce.


Recurring characters

One-time characters

  • Moor, a banker
  • Jole Moor
  • Flith, a thief
  • Liz, Flith's girlfriend


  • New York City
  • International Hotel, at the pacific coast

Behind the scenes


This story has been published in the following publications:

Mini france.gif France

Mini italy.gif Italy