Mundo de Aventuras 792

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Mundo de Aventuras #792

Cover artist: unknown
Country/language: File:Mini Portugal.gif Portugal / Portuguese
Format: 14 × 21.5 cm
Pages: 32 pgs, b/w
Publishing date: November 26, 1964
Editor: Mário de Aguiar
Publishing company: Aguiar & Dias, Lda
Preceded by: Mundo de Aventuras #787
Followed by: Mundo de Aventuras #793

Mundo de Aventuras #792


Mandrake stories

Other comics

  • "Fantasma" ("The Phantom") , O Monstro (part 1) (Original title: Old Baldy / 1963 Sunday pages / bl. & w.) by Lee Falk and Sy Barry.
  • "Cisco Kid", O chefe oculto (part 1) by Jose Luis Salinas (Original title: The Bank Robber / 1963 daily strips)
  • "Luis Euripo" ("Big Ben Bolt"), A maior vitória (part 1) by John Cullen Murphy.